
Fongming Cable Factory Birthday Party

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-28      Origin: Site

The birthday party of Fongming Cable Factory for employees who were born from May to July was held on a precious cool afternoon. Accompanied by cheerful birthday wishes and lively candlelight, the birthday stars sincerely made their wishes, and everyone cut cakes and eaten them together. Everyone present felt the care and warmth brought by the big family of the company.


Dog days are usually the hottest, most humid, and muggiest times of the year, with temperatures rising continuously.

The members of Fongming Cable are not afraid of high temperature and work hard in their positions. A small but warm birthday party embodies Fongming's deep concern and love for his ‘family’, and is also an affirmation and gratitude to the employees who have worked hard for a long time.

Birthday will bring everyone closer. On the way of developing, we share weal and woe, and use love to create a warm and harmonious Fongming. Fongming is more brilliant because of you; you are more brilliant because of Fongming; the future can be expected!

Yangzhou Fongming Cable Factory, high temperature wire and cable manufacturer around you.