
Yangzhou Fongmming Cable: Reorganization of two central enterprises! The "communication carrier" is coming

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-06-24      Origin: Site

The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council reported on June 23 that China Putian Information Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Putian") was merged into China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Electronics Technology") as its A wholly-owned subsidiary. China Potevio will no longer directly supervise enterprises as the SASAC.

Reorganization of two central enterprises

According to the official website of China Putian, China Putian is a central enterprise directly managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. Its predecessor originated from the former Bureau of Industry of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and China Post and Telecommunications Industry Corporation. It was renamed China Putian Information Industry Group Corporation in September 1999. In December 2017, it was renamed China Putian Information Industry Group Co., Ltd.

China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd. is an important state-owned backbone enterprise directly managed by the central government. It is the main force of my country's military electronics, the national team of cybersecurity and informatization, and the national strategic technology force. China Electronics Technology has a relatively complete scientific and technological innovation system in the field of electronic information. It occupies a leading position in the field of military electronics and network information, and shoulders the important responsibilities of supporting scientific and technological self-reliance, promoting national defense modernization, accelerating the development of the digital economy, and serving the society and people's livelihood. Since the founding of New China in 1949, I have experienced the history of the First Ministry of Machinery Industry, the Third Ministry of Machinery Industry, the Fourth Ministry of Machinery Industry, the Tenth Research Institute of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, the Ministry of Electronics Industry, and the Ministry of Information Industry. Changes. In March 2002, approved by the State Council, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation was established on the basis of 46 electronic research institutes and 26 enterprises directly under the former Ministry of Information Industry. In December 2017, the company completed the restructuring and changed its name to China Electronics. Technology Group Co., Ltd. At present, China Electric Power has more than 500 enterprises and institutions including 47 national-level research institutes and 11 listed companies; it has more than 200,000 employees, including 110,000 scientific researchers; 35 national-level key experiments Room, seminar center and innovation center. It has been selected as one of the Fortune Global 500 for many years and ranked 381th in 2020.

Yangzhou Fongming Cable Factory, a mid-to-high-end mica wire manufacturer, pays attention to the world situation and hot spots in the world.