
Fongming Cable 丨High temp cable

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for ovens and furnaces

600V AC/600V DC and 600V AC: flexible

300V AC: bend and hold

temperature range:

600V AC/600V DC: -40° to 840°F

600V AC: -65° to 480°F

300V AC: -40° to 1830°F

This type of wire is protected by heat-resistant insulation and is commonly used in ovens, furnaces, and other electrical heating appliances.

Wires with an outer layer of fiberglass and an inner layer of mica insulation are also called MG wires. It is commonly used for equipment wiring in steel plants, ironworks and glass manufacturing plants.

Wires with a fiberglass outer layer and PTFE inner insulation are also called TGGT wires. It is resistant to chemicals and moisture and can be used in industrial drying equipment.

Wires with ceramic fabric outer insulation can be used in open flame applications. The insulation is chemical resistant. It will bend and stay in the position you bend it to.

Flame retardant class VW-1 wire meets the requirements for preventing the spread of flames based on timed testing of vertically suspended materials.

The high temperature resistant cable categories produced by Fongming Cable include:

-40~105°C  PVC Wire&Cable  

-60~150°C  XLPE Wire&Cable  

-60~105°C  TPE TPU Wire&Cable

-60~260°C  Silicone Rubber Wire&Cable  

-100~260°C FEP/PFA Wire&Cable

-100~260°C PTFE/ETFE Wire&Cable  

350~1000°C Fiberglass Wire&Cable

450~1000°C Mica Fiberglass Wire&Cable

Fongming Cable can help you find the correct cable. We are a factory with various international certifications. If you have other questions, please contact us or ask for quotation online.